
After I reviewed my original post and my newly entered ‘About’ page, I thought about what areas in my life need to be improved.  I could think of numerous ways I could improve myself and I made a commitment to start a personal improvement ‘to-do-list’.  As I was walking into my garage in the morning, I almost tripped on my snow shovel.  It had fallen off the wall.  As I picked-it up, I realized that this garage needed improvement – it is totally filled with clutter.  My garage clutter was taking over!  Time for reevaluating what’s needed, what’s not and what is important to keep… Before I could move forward to real cleaning, I would need to make decisions.

Our lives are often like a cluttered garage.  We have things we are holding onto that no longer have value, we repeat the same mistakes and we hold-on to emotions that we need to let go. May be it’s time to start evaluating all things cluttering up our Personal Garage?  When will you start Your Personal Spring Cleaning ???

Along the Beach

The year 1998 was significant in my life. I was entering the world as a divorced, single parent.  No lesson book was given to me, no solid advice and no plans for the future.  I was entering unknown territory on journey with my three young children.  My closest friends were happily married and I felt quite alone. Family, friends and other parents were supportive, but if you have not walked on that beach, how can you sincerely understand the feeling of the sand dispersing around you. Your foundation blows in the wind while your hopes and dreams wash away with the tide.

The year 2011 is significant in my life. It has been an enlightening journey growing with my children.  They have been integral contributors to the growth process.  Each of us is emerging positively.  There have been large dunes to climb, deep waters to wade through and storms along the beach, but each foot print left behind in the sand has been worth the journey.  This year in 2011, I would like to share my knowledge, my experiences and my insights.

The Goal of  What2How2Not2: to Enlighten, to Guide and to Support other Women with Life-Questions – I have experienced much over the last thirteen years as a single, working parent and I hope to help you make your journey with greater ease.

There may not be one clear-cut solution to each Life-Issue or Question, but I will strive to provide pertinent information and guidance.  I will be sharing my personal opinion, ideas and solutions along with advice from professionals.

Discussion will evolve around ‘LifeTopics’ and will be formatted in three distinct areas:

What2 –  A LifeTopic with a question with more than one opinion or solution.

How2 – My experience, opinion and answers to the question about how to solve the problem – The Possible Solutions – Advice from Professional(s) will be solicited to provide insight, wisdom and possible solutions.

Not2 – The hard-learned lessons of what ‘Not-to-Do’ and a Summary of what are the possible solutions.

I welcome you to join me on this Journey of New Understanding to Discover the What2How2Not2

Please join me.  Submit questions you need answered, participate in the discussion and please ask your friends to join us.  We can work together to find Solutions.

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Abraham Lincoln